
1. Task 1.  The Wright brothers
Orville and Wilbur Wright, grew up in Dayton, Ohio, in the USA and they were sons of a minister.
When they finished high school, they opened a shop to build and repair bicycles.
They started designing and building airplanes in their bicycle shop in Dayton.
They successfully flew a machine called The Wright Flyer on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
It had a propeller and an engine with controls. It was the first airplane in history.
Before that, people flew in balloons and gliders, but they could not control them.
The brothers did not show their discovery to the world until 1908.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza aeroplano
Are the sentences Q0 -Q7  true, false or not given?
Choose your answers in the boxes.

 Q0   The Wright brothers were American

 Their mother was a teacher.

Q2  They had a bicycle repair shop when they were at high school.

Q3   The brothers designed the airplane in their bicycle shop.

Q4  The airplane didn't have a propeller.

Q5  The Wright brothers gave the first airplane their own name.

Q6  They were the first people to fly in history.
Q7  The airplane remained a secret for five years

2. Task 3.6  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 6 - Where is the bottle of water?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

3. Task 10.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza money 
How much money have you got?
[option1/] A little
[option2/] Much
[option3/] Many
[option4/] A few

4. Task 3.2  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 2 - What did the girl bring for lunch?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

5. Task 4.1 A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

The musicians played their instruments… ?
[option1/] alone  
[option2/] together  
[option3/] both alone and together  
[option4/] outside  

6. Task 12.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza french
Which is correct form ?  
[option1/] I did not know speak French when I was six
[option2/] I could not speak French when I was six
[option3/] I not able to speak French when I was six
[option4/] I was not able speak French when I was six

7. Task 3.  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 0 - Where is the boy sitting?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

8. Task 13.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza study for exam
Which is correct form ?  
[option1/] I have not to study yesterday
[option2/] I did not have to study yesterday
[option3/] I must not study yesterday
[option4/] I had not to study yesterday

9. Task 6. 
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza study

Complete : Tomorrow I..... study for my exam.
[option1/] go to
[option2/] am
[option3/] am going to
[option4/] am going

10. Task 3.1  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 1 - What is the weather like today?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

11. Task 8.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza cinema
Choose the correct question for : Yes, let’s go to the cinema.
[option1/] Wont not we go out tonight?
[option2/] What about go out tonight?
[option3/] Shall we go out tonight?
[option4/] Let us go out tonight?

12. Task 3.5  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 5 - What does the boy offer the girl to drink?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

13. Task 4.3 A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

Which instrument did the boy like the most?
[option1/] the flute
[option2/] the violin
[option3/] the guitar
[option4/] the cello

14. Task 9.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza cheaper
Which is correct form?
[option1/] cheapest than
[option2/] cheapest than
[option3/] cheaper than
[option4/] cheaper as

15. Task 4.5 A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

How many guitar lessons did he have?
[option1/] 3
[option2/] 4
[option3/] 5
[option4/] 6

16. Task 3.4  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 4 - How much money did the girl's mother give her?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

17. Task 3.3  The Lunch
Listen to two children talking about their lunch.
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions Row0 - Row5.
Only one answer is correct.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza the lunch
Row 3 - Where is the girl's lunch from?
[option1/] A
[option2/] B
[option3/] C
[option4/] D

18. Task 11.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza people
Where were you going when I saw you yesterday?
[option1/] I was going to the house of Bill
[option2/] I were going to the house of Bill
[option3/] I was walking
[option4/] No, I was not

19. Task 14.
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza books
Which is correct form ?  
[option1/] This is the difficultest book in the library
[option2/] This is the most sad book in the library
[option3/] This is the most long book in the library
[option4/] This is the most difficult book in the library

20. Task 4.4 A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

The boy stopped having piano lessons because they were…?
[option1/] difficult
[option2/] boring
[option3/] expensive
[option4/] interesting

21. Task 7. 
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza breackfast

Complete : He didn’t.... breakfast this morning.
[option1/] has
[option2/] having
[option3/] have
[option4/] had

22. Task 2.  Magazines
Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza magazines
Match the magazines (A-E) with the sentences (Q0-Q6).
You can use a magazine more than once.  

your answers in the boxes.

    A B C D E
 Q0   This is a fashion magazine
Q1  This magazine costs $4.25.
Q2  This magazine comes out four times a month.
Q3  This magazine is for August.
Q4  This magazine is for nature lovers.
Q5  This magazine costs less than $3.
Q6  This magazine is the most expensive.

23. Task 4.2 A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

The orchestra played…  ?
[option1/] pop music
[option2/] classical music
[option3/] classical music  
[option4/] country music

24. Task 4. A conversation
Listen to the conversation between a mother and her son.

Selezione invalsi inglese secondaria classe terza A conversation
While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.
Only one answer is correct.

The musicians were from…?
[option1/] the boy's school
[option2/] a music school
[option3/] the city orchestra
[option4/] a TV show

25. Task 5. 
Complete : There isn’t.... food in the fridge!
[option1/] any 
[option2/] no 
[option3/] some 
[option4/] a 

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